Thursday, September 11, 2008

Almost a transformation

Getting back to books and classes after a hiatus of 2 years was a different kind of feeling. It was as good as I thought it would be. Not everything can be thought of; few things turned out to be outstanding, something which was not exactly a transformation as it was supposed to be but close enough to alter the chemistry of grey cells. A course on Social Transformation in India wasn't something I was keen about when I incuriously glanced over it in the course curriculum. I vaguely remember the first lecture scheduled in evening someday. One thing was sure that the Prof wasn't boring, never knew he would turn out to be so influential and towering as he is physically. The lectures were on random topics which dealt with India, her history and all those social unevenness which we're well aware of but never felt it in our esteemed lives. The concealed sexism and racism in advertisements, the atrocities against women to keep her in control as prescibed by religious books, the history of Kashmir(which we all consider to be an integral part of India) were some of the disturbing facts that was well kept hidden in school textbooks. Above all, the Prof's cynic attitude towards MBA and capitalism was just the right dose for all those who thought they are elite. Nothing will change. Everyone including me will still run after fat pay-checks and capitalism as it suits our way of life. At least, I will see certain social issues in a new light. This too will fade with time, what doesn't?